This discipline consists of different yogic breathing techniques, each of them having its own beneficial effects. Here are some examples:
Ujjayi Breathing: Ujjayi in Sanskrit means "one who is victorious". This is a deep breathing: inhale slowly by inflating first the stomach, then the diaphragm, slowly filling yourself with air up to the collarbones. This type of breathing has a particularly soothing effect.
Kapalabhati Breathing: Kapala means "skull", and bhati means "light". Inhale naturally and exhale abruptly through the nose.
Bhastrika Breathing: Bhastrika means "forge bellows" in Sanskrit. This is a series of rapid exhalations. Unlike Kapalabhati breathing, inhaling is also active.
Bhramari Breathing or "Bee Breathing": place your hands on your face with one thumb on each tragus. After a deep inhalation, exhale through the nose, vibrating the vocal cords.
Alternate breathing consists of breathing by blocking one nostril: inhale through the left, exhale through the right, then start again the other way.