Valeria Bizzari

Philosophical Practitioner

Public : Adults, Adolescents
Languages : English, Italian
Lieux de consultation
3 Place de l'Alma,
1200 Woluwe-
(Métro Alma)
21 avenue du Venezuela, 1000 Brussels
+32 456312930
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Email :

Valeria Bizzari, Philosophical Practitioner

'I feel something troubling inside of me which scares me, an exhausting violence. But I accept the great adventure of being me.’ Simone de Beauvoir

Daily life can be overwhelming: we struggle with deadlines, expectations, unexpected changes, and it is easy to get lost in this “great adventure” of becoming ourselves (quoting de Beauvoir’s expression). We are essentially vulnerable, and sometimes our vulnerability can assume pathological shades, in case of anxiety, depression, mood disorders etc.

Within this context, philosophy can offer precious tools able to guide us, to accept our vulnerability and make us able to deal with anxiety, grief, life transitions (such as adolescence, aging, but also traumatic events like separations or losses).

In our meetings, we will work together on a specific problem not only by means of a therapeutic dialogue abut also by using specific methodologies, such as the occidental meditation (whose focus is one specific emotion, according to the individual need) and philosophical, Jungian-inspired games that elicit our imaginal and pre-reflective abilities and skills. These will allow me to help you in exploring yourselves, (re)discovering your inner resources and becoming more aware of them, by adopting novel perspectives on the world and improving your relationship with your inner life, the others and society.

Who am I?

I am a philosopher with a background in phenomenology, psychopathology, and the philosophy of emotions. I currently work at the Husserl Archives of the Catholic University in Leuven where I teach and conduct research on vulnerability, limit situations (death, disease etc), and dreams.

From 2018 to the end of 2020, I worked at the Clinic for General Psychiatry, Universität Heidelberg on a project exploring autism and neurodivergence under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Fuchs. I spent visiting research periods at the Center for Subjectivity Research in Copenhagen, the Oxford Empathy Programme at the University of Oxford, the Departments of Philosophy at the University of Wien (Austria), Milan Vita-Salute San Raffaele (Italy) and Macquarie University in Sydney (Australia).

I believe that philosophy can be really helpful to society and to science: people with a diagnosis need to be understood completely, not treated just like malfunctioning brain or organism.

I collaborate with many scientific and non scientific organization (Stella Maris Science Institute in Pisa; the Leuven Autism Research Center; the Heidelberg University Hospital), and I have also been involved in non-academic activities (in psychiatric hospitals, secondary schools and neurodivergent communities).

If you want to know something more, this is a podcast on the meaning of life organized by California State University: here I talk about myself and my research journey: https://rss.com/podcasts/meaningoflife/389812/.

My education and training

I have a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Pisa (Italy), but I also have a master in Special Educational Needs and a Master in Philosophical Counseling. I am also trained in qualitative, clinical interviews such as the Examination of Anomalous Self Experiences (Copenhagen University); and I have trainings in “Autism and Sensory Experiences”, “Autism and Communication”, “Women and Girls in the Autism Spectrum” from the National Autistic Society (UK). Recently, I did develop my own qualitative interview, the Examination of Autistic Intersubjective Experiences (EAIE, with T. Fuchs and T. Schnitzler).


Since 2019
Member of The Phenomenology and Mental Health Network at University of Oxford (UK)  
Since 2022
Member of the European Association in Phenomenology and Psychopathology 
Member of LAuRES (Leuven Autism Research Center) 
Member of the Leuven Brain Institute
1200 Woluwe-St-Lambert
1160 Auderghem
1180 Uccle
1315 Incourt
1480 Tubize
1970 Wezembeek-Oppem
1780 Wemmel
5000 Namur
3 Place de l'Alma, bte 4, 1200 Bruxelles

+32 496 64 57 80 
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